Posted on May 7, 2015

Gateway Pundit: “Page Croyder, formerly of Baltimore State’s Attorney’s Office, has a critical take on the charges thrown at the six city police officers. According to Page, State’s Attorney Marilyn Mosby can herself be charged for an illegal arrest.”

The six Baltimore officers charged in the death of Freddie Gray are (top row from left) Caesar Goodson Jr., Garrett Miller, Edward Nero and (bottom row from left) William Porter, Brian Rice and Alicia White. (Baltimore Police Department via AP)
Croyder also believes Mosby faces a potential civil suit for her sloppy work against the officers.
This article was first published on Croyder’s blog. It was republished in the Baltimore Sun minus the crucial paragraph about her arrest

Croyder on CNN: “When you have a complicated case like this and a volatile case like this, you have to take your time to get it right. You have to take your time so that people have confidence that the charges that you are placing are not motivated by political ambition and do not reflect your inexperience. In this case, two weeks is almost unheard of, of a case like this.
She did not use her own homicide units to investigate this. She was doing a separate investigation. Which, by the way, will probably complicate her ability to prosecute the case. But she did use her most experienced attorneys. She did not use the grand jury. Which should have been a very important tool to her to swear witnesses under oath, so that if they change their testimony later, they have an under-oath piece of evidence they can show to the jury…
She didn’t use the tools available. She didn’t use the tools available to her. She herself is terribly inexperienced. She never personally was involved in any cases of these magnitude. And further of all, you can look at the charges themselves that tell you that she doesn’t have her ducks in a row

The real problem Mosby has is three of those officers arrested are black. When court starts this will be the focus.


Gateway Pundit: Baltimore State’s Atty Marilyn Mosby May Face Criminal Charges For Her Sloppy Work

Posted in: News, Politics